December 17th -Principal’s Day Celebration (2022-23)
It was a grace-filled and joyful day for all of us in the school as we kept aside this day for the celebration of Principal’s Day. The staff and students gave a surprise programme for Sr. Sushmita, the Principal of Notre Dame Academy .It was a well organized programme arranged by the staff and students to express their love and gratitude to Sister. Sr. Sushmita thanked everyone for their expressions of love and gratitude to her and made this day a memorable one for all.

April - 10th - Principal's Day (2023-24)
The theme for the Principal's day was " You are a wise Virgin". The students felt that it was a fitting theme for Sr. Sushmita who makes wise decisions in all the matters of the school. The students prepared a creative cultural programme. they expressed their love through the different programmes, cards and gifts. Sr. Sushmita too gave the children a surprise which was loved by all.